Murder Mystery Company

Unleash the Thrill: Your Premier Murder Mystery Experience in Las Vegas

Why Chose Us?

Murder Mystery Company

Unique Offerings

Musical Mysteries: Enjoy the thrill of live songs interwoven into the party, elevating your entertainment experience.

Flexible Options: Tailor your event with choices like professional actors, a mix of actors and guests, or letting guests assume roles with expert guidance.

Expert Team

Our seasoned performers are masters of improvisation and murder mystery entertainment, guaranteeing an unforgettable experience.

Corporate & Team Building Events

Perfect for Corporate Events: Elevate your corporate gatherings with intrigue and excitement.

Team Building Excellence: Foster team cohesion through engaging murder mystery activities.

Experience the Premier Murder Mystery Company in Las Vegas

A Touch of Mystery  is the leading Murder Mystery company in Las Vegas. Immerse yourself in an unforgettable night of murder mystery entertainment and prepare to be captivated as our team crafts engaging mysteries set in various eras, from the roaring ’20s to the present day.

Booking Request Form

We’re thrilled to be a part of your Murder Mystery experience! Please take a moment to complete the booking request form below, sharing essential event details such as the date and any additional important details about your booking. We pride ourselves on customizing every experience to suit your unique needs, ensuring a seamless & unforgettable event in any of our locations; Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Vancouver BC (available to travel nationwide). Upon receiving your request, we’ll promptly reach out to discuss the finer details and make your event a resounding success where ever you are.

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